Our Values
Our values reflect who we are and what we stand for. They influence our individual behaviours towards each other, our participants and stakeholders, and the collective way we represent Think Big Support Services.
We want to make real differences in the lives of the people we serve, individuals with a disability, their family and carers and their community. Our desire in changing the lives of people with disability is motivated by our compassion and our desire for creating an equitable and just society.
Our commitment towards our participants, their families and carers, and stakeholders is influenced by our ‘Can Do’ attitude and willingness to strive for excellence and quality outcomes and services for all.
We want to build and strengthen connections for our participants, staff and stakeholders within their communities in which we operate in order to create well connected communities and enriched participants experiences.
We respect peoples values, their beliefs, and their individual uniqueness. We celebrate and value various forms of diversities including but not limited to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age and other forms of diversities. We are committed to equality and inclusiveness determined by each participant’s needs, their identity, dignity of risk, self-determination and choice and control. We will strive to educate our workforce to provide safe and sensitive services to all forms of diversities including culturally competent practices to each participant who accesses our services.
We will strive to offering the level of choice, influence and control that participants need to self-empower them whilst accessing our services. Participants, their families, and carers will have all the choice and control over their supports and services they receive through us. We will aim to achieve this by:
- being respectful and non-judgemental, building a relationship where the participant feels comfortable to discuss their feelings and what they want,
- focussing on strengths and abilities
- supporting and encouraging involvement in decision making and
- respecting the decisions, a participant makes about their own support and services.
At Think Big, we focus on participant’s holistic care and support. Our approach to care and support are embedded in evidence based multidimensional approaches that look at the whole person, not just their needs. Our support and services would also consider their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.
At Think Big, we share a vision for better future and outcomes for people with disability and our community across Australia. We strive for providing voice and choice for participants and their families by keeping them at the heart of everything we do.
Here to help
At Think Big Support Services, we see the person and their abilities, not their disabilities.